I'd really like to tell me if the song is familiar to you somehow! Pay close attention and I am sure you will come up with something, he,he! Enjoy, M.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Can you tell what the song is in the background?
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Γιατρέ μου έχω τάσεις φυγής τη Μ. Τετάρτη! Πειράζει?
Λοιπόν γιατρέ μου, τ' αποφάσισα! Κλείνω τον υπολογιστή στο γραφείο, λέω αντίο στη ρουτίνα της εργασιακής καθημερινότητας και ΦΕΥΓΩ για αλλού... Είναι κι αυτή η διαβολεμένη η άνοιξη που με ξεμιαλίζει γιατρέ μου, μην επιμένετε, δεν μένω λεπτό εντός των τειχών... ΦΕΥΓΩ για διακοπές!!! Πού? Μα θέλει και ρώτημα? Καστοριά λέει το πρόγραμμα με επίσκεψη στη Φλώρινα και Πρέσπες. Πώς? Οδικώς με τ' αμαξάκι μου και με καλή παρέα 2 ακόμη φίλες. Πότε? Απ' αύριο το πρωί με τα cd παρέα, καλή διάθεση και δρόμο παίρνω, δρόμο αφήνω να φτάσουμε στα σύνορα. Το μόνο που βαριέμαι είναι οι ετοιμασίες, τα μικροπράγματα που δεν θέλω (γυναίκα γαρ) ν' αφήσω πίσω, μήπως μου λείψουν! Ναι καλά, το less is more φαίνεται, πως δεν είναι τρόπος ζωής μου! Ευτυχώς το αμάξι έχει ευρύχωρο χώρο αποσκευών, αλλά και το πολύ τζιρτζιμίλι βλάπτει!!! Ξέρετε γιατρέ μου τι θα θελα να χω μαζί μου (τώρα που είμαι στην απέξω τα λέω η άτιμη). My sweetheart, γιατρέ μου αλλά καλύτερα να μην το θίξουμε το ζήτημα πασχαλιάτικα και βρεθεί κανένας σουβλισμένος σαν τον ένδοξο τον Θανασάκη το Διάκο!!!
Θα σας τα πω αναλυτικά όταν γυρίσω με το καλό και μέχρι τότε σκοπεύω να ρουφήξω κάθε εικόνα και κάθε αίσθηση που θα μου κάνει εντύπωση. Δε πιστεύω να μουντρουχλιάσετε γιατρούλη μου, χρονιάρες μέρες, ε? Καλά να πάμε, καλά να περάσουμε και καλά να γυρίσουμε όλοι μας! ΚΑΛΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ, See you all soon, M.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Cine Κεραμεικός ρεζίλι!
Αυτό το σχόλιο θα σας το πω στα ελληνικά για να μην το γράψω στα ξένα και ρεζιλευτούμε διεθνώς! Η ιστορία μου αρχίζει το περασμένο Σάββατο 16 Απριλίου, που μαζί με την παρέα μου ξεκινήσαμε να πάμε στο μαζαγί που τραγουδούσε ο Κότσιρας να τον ακούσουμε. Το κέντρο που εμφανίζεται στην Αθήνα είναι το Cine Κεραμεικός και εκεί παίχτηκε το όλο κόλπο!
Εχοντας κάνει τη κράτησή μας για περισσότερο από ένα μήνα πριν, το απόγευμα του Σαββάτου μας πήραν τηλέφωνο από το κέντρο να μας πουν ότι ήταν γεμάτοι και γι' αυτό άμα θέλαμε να πηγαίναμε το επόμενο Σάββατο καλύτερα! Gong! Επειδή στο παρά πέντε τέτοια πράγματα δεν γίνονται, πήγαμε χωρίς συζήτηση εκείνη τη βραδυά. Αφού μαζευτήκαμε και οι δέκα στο τραπέζι, ο άνδρας της παρέας ανέλαβε να παραγγείλει για όλους μας αυτά που νομίζαμε ότι δικαιούμαστε ανά τέσσερα άτομα. Όταν μετά από κάποια ώρα μια εκ της παρέας αποφάσισε να φύγει γιατί δεν ένιωθε καλά, οπότε ζητήσαμε το λογαριασμό. Με μεγάλη έκπληξη διαπιστώσαμε ότι αντί του προβλεπόμενου 40 ευρώ κατ' άτομο, μας χρέωσαν 58!!! άκουσον άκουσον! Η δικαιολογία τους ήταν ότι μας έβαλαν δέκα μερίδες ήταν το λιγότερο απίστευτη! Δέκα μερίδες από ξηρούς καρπούς και φρούτα που χωράνε σε μια πιατέλα, αυτό δεν το είχα ξανακούσει...
Με τα πολλά, μετά από έναν έντονο διαπληκτισμό με τους "υπευθύνους" μας έκαναν τη χάρη να μας μειώσουν το ποσό σε 450 ευρώ τελικά αλλά όπως είπε και ένας τους "όχι γιατί πρέπει". Λυπάμαι πολύ κύριοι του Κεραμεικού, αλλά αν νομίζετε ότι έτσι θα ξανάρθουμε στην επιχείρησή σας, πλανάσθε πλάνην οικτράν, κατά πως λέγανε και οι Αρχαίοι Ελληνες.
Λυπάμαι επίσης, που για να απολαύσουμε τους αγαπημένους μας καλλιτέχνες, πέφτουμε στη παγίδα της μεγάλης πίστας με όλα τα συνεπακόλουθα. Τελικά συναυλία και πάλι συναυλία και να ναι καλά και τα cd.
Ωραίο πράγμα τα κυκλώματα της νύχτας, για μερικούς όλοι κοροϊδα είμαστε! Αμ, δε!!!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Happy B-day to me!!!
Hm, it's one of those days today isnt' it? One of those that nothing seems ordinary and yet everything is as usual. It' s a working day today for me, and I woke up to my parents wishes. Nice of them to come in with a b-day kiss. I returned the nice gesture presenting them with some sweets I had bought the day before as a surprise for them! My bro obviously didn't remember them, but I love him so much to hold any grudge against him! A few friends of mine remembered me also, sending me some cute txt msgs at my mobile. Was I glad to hear from them, especially today. Even Vodafone send me a txt msg providing me with ten free msgs to spare today for my B-day! I hadn't seen that before, thanx guys! Finally my ex-boyfriend sent me a heart-breaking e-card that I read a few minutes ago. Boy, that hurts!
I don't know about you people, but for me my B-day is a rather bizarre day ever since I have recollections about myself. It often falls within the Holly week so, that's an excuse to leave them behind without throwing a party. Nowadays it's not the case, but all I want to do is to think more positively about my future. Over the time I have developed a greater awareness about myself and I see that I have put a lot of strain to me, in order to fullfill or not my self steaming prophecies. My body is undertaking a great deal of pressure and is giving me a very profound signal of not corner it so much! Yeah, tell me about it! So Happy 34 of me, growing to an age where I'm still a young person (with an even younger mentality), but maturing and realizing things about my life (and that's the beauty of growing up, I guess for me). I rode my scooter today to work and I was thinking of what to wish myself for the occassion: The essentials such as letting love grow more inside of me, feel more, live in an earthly manner as a whole mind, body and soul! Let's see if my wishes aren't wishfull thinking but my life stance from now on...
Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, may I live well with myself and in accordance of who I really am! Happy Birthday to all Aries who are born on April 12 as well! Cheers, M.
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Thursday, April 07, 2005
Trying to stay awake but in a good mood!
It's mid-day in Athens, in a rather sunny yet lukewarm afternoon. My bed was so uncomfortably not warm last night, that deprived me from a good night's sleep, but there's a good three hours to go before I leave work today, so I have to stay awake no matter what! Siesta seems like the thing I wanted to do most, only if I were in Mexico rightnow!
For the past couple of days, I've been dealing with the Orthodox Easter plans of getting away. For those who may be surprised from reading about Easter, since the Catholic one took place in March 25, the Greek Orthodox Easter will be on May 1st this year. For the different dates, pls bare in mind the different methods of calculations each church uses for Easter, but now it's not a problem of ours to deal with, anyway! So, back on Monday I was talking to a colleague of mine about travelling to Greek natural points of interest (my previous note was about that issue, as well) and we came up with the common liking about travelling to a couple of places we've been meaning to. Luckily a friend of mine called me up the next day and said she is available also for spending the Easter holidays together and voila! here are the three of us setting up plans for going by car, to the beautiful town of Kastoria, Lakes Prespes and Florina in southwest Greece, nearby the borders of Albania & FYROM for 5 good days! Today we booked the hotel in Kastoria, which is on the lakeshore just outside the city and with the travel guide handy, I'm becoming even more interested in learning more about that part of Greece.
My horizons are expanding socially and culturally speaking and I just hope I will keep that feeling as long as I feel like receiving positivity out of the whole thing. My life doesn't suck after all! ;-D That's why last night before I went to bed, I wrote a small poem about the influence of spring to me (inwards speaking) and it turned out to be cute. When blue or in a challenging situation, the inspiration is more readily available, but life isn't always like that. How about giving thanx for being alive, how about sensing the improtance of each moment that passes day in & day out, how about a thousand other reasons we can come up with for putting a smile to our face... Just think of it for a while!
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Monday, April 04, 2005
A break from kicking my ass!
My weekend was indeed quiet (sleeping and cocooning most of the time!) Again sentimental thoughts came in and out of my head, but if it hadn't been for my friend David from the States, who called me up last evening, my mood would have been different, I guess. I was thinking of him a lot the past few days and boom! he called me to say "hi" and chit-chat for a while! This phonecall was as if he read my mind lately. Having somebody to feel at ease and talk as you please, feeling good about the communication, is what I have in mind when I think of him as a friend. God bless you David for the initiative!
On Friday I came by Arkoudos' blog and sent him an introductory msg, just to initiate contact and send a friendly "hello" his way. He responded to me and guess what; on Saturday I came by an article on Greek bloggers and Arkoudos was part of the article...! Well done, my fellow blogger, keep on spreading the word about blogging in Greece!
Earlier today, Antigoni from Paramythoupoli blog sent me a responding e-mail. I was looking for a song in Google and among other things, there was her site, with a beautiful romantic song playing on the background. I posted a comment to her page and she got back at me today, saying she will give a try writing music for some of my lyrics. Hola!!! I just feel complemented by her gesture!
Finally the circle of good things coming my way today, has been completed by the proposal of a fellow colleague who suggested to take a trip to the nothern borders of Greece in a couple of months from now by car, in order to go visit the beautiful natural park of Lake Kerkini and the nearby areas of Serres. It sounds like an interesting trip to take, if only we could come up with a couple of more willing friends of ours (especially drivers) in order to share the driving to and forth the village of Agistron where we want to stay. Agistro has the best bysantine hot spas in the area and luckily it also has an informative link to get to know more of the natural beauties there. Check it out at and you'll see another side of ecological travel.
I need to get off my wandering mind in a while. Antigoni, I am in the mood for writing some verses lately, so keep in mind for updates in the "Write Stuff" page of mine.
Have a good day everybody! M.
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Friday, April 01, 2005
April Fools Day!
I just scrolled down a few of the blogs that follow mine & much to my surprise, almost everybody had put down a comment about this very day! Hm... I wonder why! The weather today doesn't resemble springtime in Athens. It's cold, windy and cloudy out there! Feels much like cocooning to me for the rest of the evening. Thankfully the day was uneventfull at work, even a little bit boring but T.G.I.F and it feels OK to think of the weekend ahead. I, personally will dog-sit my pet Artemis for the coming couple of days, which doesn't sound bad for the time being. If the weather improves, I'll take her for a walk to some nearby parks at my neighbourhood and I'll enjoy of the scenery as much as I can, if we happen to go.
I still have some unresolved issues with myself, in terms with breaking up with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago. I miss the proximity we shared, but I feel like staying in accordance with my decision about moving on. The lessons I've learned from our interaction are priceless, but when things go wrong, it's better to let go of the relationship. Boy, it hurts, but it's for the better!
Perhaps, I'll indulge myself with some music on the background, even do some dance to let out some compressed energy, but above all I think I will spend weekend in a peaceful mode...aha!
So, keep on pranking till the day's over for it's April Fools Day but don't develop it into a habit...alright; Keep the faith for a better life! Cheers, M.
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